On May 1, 2023, during the Old Fortress Day, the Old Fortress will be waiting for you from 09.00 to 17.00. again with an interesting program:
09.00: 3. Komárno military feasts – cooking competition 19. century on an open fire
10.00-17.00: Craft activities, children’s games
10.00-17.00: Exhibition of the Komárno Cart owners and Tradition Preserving Society in the Barracks Building (premises near the restored Chapel)
10.30: Traditional music in the ancient verklíkom style performed by the Tyjátr Theatre from Nitra
10.45-11.15: 47. International street race Komárno – Komárom (runners will run on the route Elektrárenská street – Leopold’s Gate – Hradná street)*
11.30: 3 Fairy Tales of King Matthias – a musical fairy tale performed by the Kuttyomfitty Társulat group (in Hungarian)
11.30: Arrival of hussars and foot soldiers from the period 1848/49 to the Old Fortress
12.00-14.00: Excerpts from military life
12.00: Demonstration ride and exhibition of historic vehicles in the parking lot in front of the Old Fortress
12.45: Announcement of the competition results 3. Komárno military banquets
13.00: Gasparko and the Magic Box performed by Teatro Carnevalo Traditional Puppet Theatre
14.00: Musical group Kolompos: The Hussars are Coming – concert for children (in Hungarian)
15.00: Battle demonstration from the period 1848/49 on the occasion of 174. anniversary 1. the Battle of Komárno
16.15: Bread of the World – Gyöngyi Écsi Fairytale Theatre (in Hungarian)
Free entrance through Leopold’s Gate on Hradná Street or through the gate on Elektrárena Road.
Free parking in front of the Fortress on Hradná Street or through the gate on Elektrárena Road.
We look forward to your visit!
* Route of the International Street Run (ul. Sportová, Hradná, Tabaková, Elektrárenská cesta, Ul. Palatínova, Záhradnícka, tilting bridge) will be from 10.00 to 11.15 a.m. closed to vehicular traffic. A detour to the Elisabeth Bridge is possible via Alžbetin Island.