The next stage of the restoration of the main gate of the Barracks has begun

On 3 April 2019, work began on the restoration of the main gate of the Barracks Building. In this 2b. the large underpass of the vehicle underpass will be restored – the secondary bricked-up openings (arched entrances) will be demolished, the weathered plaster will be removed, new plaster will be applied and repainted, as well as the stone plinth will be restored.

The work is being carried out by ReStatua s.r.o. and financed by Pro Castello Comaromiensi n.o. from the collected tickets in the amount of 23.070,56 €.

The small pedestrian underpass was successfully restored last year and the west façade in 2016.

Restoration work will continue in the coming years with the restoration of the eastern façade and the renewal of the paving of the large underpass.