2. Komárno Military Feasts – Competition in cooking dishes from 19. century on an open fire

Competition rules


Pro Castello Comaromiensi n.o. and the Monostor Fortress in 2021 organized an event called “Komárno military feasts presentations of combat equipment and gastronomy from the period 1848/49“, supported by the Small Projects Fund for the Western Region Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme – announced European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Rába-Danube-Wah with limited liability.

Objectives of the competition and the project:

  • to provide as many opportunities as possible for citizens of both cities to meet
  • to expand the system of cross-border business and civil society relations, helping to develop new, multilevel, cooperative communities,
  • strengthen cross-border cooperation and increase interest in cross-border activities among the population,
  • Bring ethnic groups closer together and improve the quality of bilingualism,
  • boost tourism.

In his short story cycle “Revolutionary and Battle Images”, Mór Jókai writes in detail that when Major General Richard Guyon became the commander of the Komárno Fortress in April 1849, his first task was to strengthen the fighting spirit of the defenders of the fortress. He achieved this goal in a daring way: he treated the Komárnians on the walls of the Old Fortress, while the enemy was constantly firing cannons at them. To commemorate this unusual feast, we organize presentations and competitions of dishes eaten in 19. century, which we will combine with a demonstration of a historical battle scene from 1848-49.


1 May 2022 from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm

Courtyard of the Old Fortress in Komárno (GPS: 47°45’09,6 “N 18°08’09,4 “E)


Pro Castello Comaromiensi n.o.

Nám. gen. Klapku 1/1, 945 01 Komárno

IČO: 36096920


– competing in two categories :

– Category “A” – amateur teams from Hungary and Slovakia: groups of 3-8 members from private persons, companies, institutions, various organisations, etc.

– Category “P” – professional teams from Hungary and Slovakia: groups of 3-8 workers from restaurants, school or other kitchens, etc.

– The name of the team, or. the name of the organisation they represent.

– Entry fee: participation in the event is free

– Deadline for applications: 25. April 2022 at 12.00.

– We cannot accept on-site applications

– Participation in the competition is conditional on agreeing to the terms and conditions of the competition and returning the signed entry form.


should be sent electronically to
, or in person at the Department of Culture, Tourism and Monuments of the Komárno City Hall (Officers’ Pavilion, side by the children’s park).


– You can compete with any food prepared on an open fire and eaten (also) in 19. storočí

– One team can compete with several types of locally prepared food

– The competition is open to max. 30 teams, in case of multiple entries the order of entry is decisive

– The organizers will provide the first 15 registered teams with 1 3x3m tent, 2 beer kits (2 tables, 4 benches), 1 20-liter kettle with stand, 20 disposable dishes and glasses and firewood

– Other teams must provide the items listed in the previous point separately, except for disposable dishes.

– Cold drinking water will be provided by the organizer

– Ingredients, spices, food served to the jury, decoration and other necessary equipment will be provided at each team’s discretion.

– Wearing a scarf/hat and drape during the competition is compulsory!

– Cooperatives must show a cash block or. an invoice of the raw materials used, which they are obliged to present at registration and keep until the end of the race. The accounts may also be audited by the regional public health authority or the tax office.

– Prepared food is forbidden to be sold, but tasting is allowed

– After the competition, we ask teams to submit a recipe for a prepared meal for 4 people for a recipe collection to be compiled at a later date.


– Teams will be judged by a jury of professionals

President of the jury: Gabriella Kovács Thurzó, winner of the Mesterszakács 2009 cooking competition Produkció Legjobb Amatőr Mesterszakácsa

Vice-President of the jury: Róbert Tatai, winner of the Séfek séfe 2017 gasztro-tehetségkutató cooking competition

– Evaluation criteria: taste of the prepared food, adherence to the period recipe (first half of the 19th century), uniqueness of serving, appearance of the team, atmosphere during cooking, etc.

– Time and place of the announcement of the results: the Great Courtyard of the Old Fortress, approx. 1.30 p.m.

– at 1 p.m. 2 to 3 portions (approximately 10 to 15 dkg) of the food required for the jury to evaluate must be available at the designated place.

– Participating teams will be presented with a commemorative certificate. Winners 1. to 3. places in both categories will receive a material prize. The jury has the right to award a special prize to the teams.


– Each team and its members participate in the competition on their own responsibility. The organizer is not responsible for any accidents that occur during the race.

– All members of the teams are obliged to observe the hygiene rules for cooking, basic rules for accident prevention and fire safety and safety instructions of the organizer.

– The cooperatives are responsible for damages caused on the territory of the Old Fortress.

– Arrival to the Old Fortress and occupation of the place is possible from 08.00. Cars must leave the courtyard of the Old Fortress by 9.45 a.m. Parking is available in the area in front of the fort.

– Entrance is possible from Elektrárenska cesta (GPS: 47° 45’09,6 “N 18° 08’09,4 “E)

– Entrance to the Old Fortress and departure by car is possible after the demonstration of a period war battle, from 16.00. Each participant is obliged to leave the Old Fortress by 5.30 p.m.

She elaborated: Ing. Beáta Sebő

E-mail: sebo.bea@gmail.com