10:00 RegistrationTour
- virtual exhibition “A common past for a common future”
- local and regional products
10:30 Welcome
- Mgr. Béla Keszegh, City of Komárno – Mayor
- Andrej Ozimy, Pro Castello Comaromiensi, n.o. – Director
11:00 Lectures
- Andrej Ozimy, Pro Castello Comaromiensi, n.o. – Director:
Komárno Fortress – past, present, future (in Slovak)
- Gábor Rezi-Kató, Hungarian National Museum – Deputy Director:
Castles & Regions Project (in Hungarian)
- István Szilvássy, Association for the Development of Hungarian Towns and Municipalities – President:
Renewing the role of castles/fortresses in the context of urban, regional, rural and tourism development (in Hungarian)
12:00 Break
12:30 WORLD CAFE – What needs to be done?
Structured conversational process during the so-called. World Café
(Interactive exchange of ideas, brainstorming on the topics below. Organizing participants at round tables. Participants discuss topics, add comments, questions about topics on the tags. You can learn more about the method here: https://www.user-participation.eu/sk/planovanie-participativneho-procesu/krok-5-participativne-metody/planovanie-buducnosti-vizia-strategie-projekty/world-cafe)
Moderator: István Szilvássy
An introduction to the Word Café process and topics:
- Fortress as an experience centre
- Fortress as a centre of formal education
- Fortress as a centre of local, regional identity
- The fortress as a centre of tourist destination promotion
- Fortress as a centre for the promotion of local, regional products and services
- Cooperation between castles/fortresses and their partners
13:30 Summary of the results of the World Café process
14:00 Closing of the seminar and closing words