The smell of food and weapons in the Old Fortress

On 29 August 2021, with great interest of visitors, the Old Fortress 1. Komárno military banquets, supported by the Small Projects Fund for the Western Region of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cross-border Cooperation Programme – announced by the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Rába-Danube-Váh with limited liability – project no. SKHU/WETA/1901/4.1./320.

A cooking competition for dishes eaten in 19. Centennial, we wanted to revive the memory of a banquet hosted by Fort Commander Richard Guyon on the ramparts in the spring of 1849 during an enemy bombardment of the fort.

The cooking competition was won by Igor Tallósi and his team from Kolárovo, the KOMVaK team took 2nd place and Jókai restaurant won 3rd place. The members of the jury were Gabriella Kovács Thurzó, the best amateur cook of the Mesterszakács 2009 production, Róbert Tatai, the winner of the Séfek séfe 2017 gastro-talent competition, Zoltán Maráz, a master cook from Nesvády and Tamás Varga, the vice-mayor of the city of Komárno. The moderators Tamás Bernát and Roberta Krnášková took care of the whole day’s good mood.

In the morning, the audience could see a puppet performance of the KL Theatre from Győr and in the afternoon a spectacular battle demonstration reminiscent of the years 1848/49. Since the material equipment, such as beer sets, tents, chairs, kettles and sound system is already provided thanks to the aforementioned grant, we plan to organize a similar military banquet every year in the future. We hope lots of people got a taste for cooking in the historic fort and we can host even more teams next year!


Ing. Beáta Sebő, Project Manager